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Clubtelefon 4 not working
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Autor Eintrag
Wed Apr 26 2023, 10:06AM
Registriertes Mitglied #21802
Dabei seit: Tue Apr 25 2023, 10:03AM
Einträge: 5
Greetings, all! I must apologize for writing in English.

Recently I purchased (in a junk shop in Munich) a "Clubtelefon 4". This model telephone is powered from the telephone line, and the manual says that, when first connected, it may take "several minutes" before the internal capacitors charge up, and the display activates. When I first hooked it up (to an Obi100 ATA), it did charge, after two or three hours, it "woke up" and I was able to run the self-test program, and make a call. For some reason, however, the "1" and "2" buttons on the dialpad would not work. All the other buttons worked OK.

After disconnecting the phone and discharging the capacitor (by releasing the main circuit board, so as to actuate the microswitch), so that I could attempt to investigate the keypad, when I reconnected it, the telephone would not wake up, even after being connected all night. It shows "off hook" to the line, drawing 20 mA (the maximum the ATA can supply) with 0 V DC across the A and B terminals (by my direct measurement).

I then managed to obtain a second "Clubtelefon 4" from a local sale listing. It, too, when connected to the line, shows as "off hook".

Unfortunately, none of the downloads on this admirable site includes a schematic diagram of the circuit boards. I have considered simply replacing the two big electrolytic capacitors, one 1000 ?F 63 V, the other 0.22 F 10 V, but that might not be the problem at all.

Has anyone encountered this problem? If so, have you found a solution?

Thank you for your attention.

[ Bearbeitet Wed Apr 26 2023, 10:17AM ]
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Wed Apr 26 2023, 02:34PM

Registriertes Mitglied #1
Dabei seit: Tue Jan 08 2008, 01:28PM
Wohnort: Witten
Einträge: 520
The capacitors can be a problem, but from what you write, I rather suspect that your ATA is the problem.
20mA is basically too little and also the devices are made for 60V supply voltage, which is what came out of the line on the telephone at German exchanges. Try a laboratory power supply with 60V, if the devices do, replace the ATA.
The voltage should NEVER drop to 0V! That's where I get the idea that the capacitors don't have enough voltage and current to charge.

Translated with Link (free version)
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Thu Apr 27 2023, 04:59PM
Registriertes Mitglied #21802
Dabei seit: Tue Apr 25 2023, 10:03AM
Einträge: 5
Is there a model of ATA, or similar equipment, that you would recommend to connect this telephone with?

I see that there is a "Vintage Computer Festival" in Munich this weekend, and "phone phreaks" can often be found at such events, so I might be able to find something.
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Thu Apr 27 2023, 09:31PM

Registriertes Mitglied #1
Dabei seit: Tue Jan 08 2008, 01:28PM
Wohnort: Witten
Einträge: 520
Unfortunately, I don't know any.
I plan to connect my ÖTel (öffentliche Telefone = public telephones) collection to five AudioCodes MediaPack MP124, if they have an a/b interface, the ones with T0 (S0) to AudioCodes Mediant 800. Some devices will probably have problems, so I will use additional power supplies for external extensions in the hope that this will be enough.

I don't know if they can help you at the meeting, but it's worth a try!

I really like the Landis & Gyr ÖTel, they are great devices!

Translated with Link (free version)
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Fri Apr 28 2023, 06:41PM
Registriertes Mitglied #21802
Dabei seit: Tue Apr 25 2023, 10:03AM
Einträge: 5
I see from the manual for the MP112/114/118/124 that these devices can deliver 32 mA on the FXS ports. That at least looks promising.
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Sat Apr 29 2023, 02:11AM

Registriertes Mitglied #1
Dabei seit: Tue Jan 08 2008, 01:28PM
Wohnort: Witten
Einträge: 520
That's not that much either, but more than many other devices can do.
I have good experience with the devices.
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Sat Apr 29 2023, 11:17PM
Registriertes Mitglied #21802
Dabei seit: Tue Apr 25 2023, 10:03AM
Einträge: 5
On a quite different note, does anyone know where a new lock could be obtained?

One of the two phones has a working lock with the key. The other one does not have a key (nor does the key for the first one fit it). Perhaps a locksmith could re-key it. On the other hand, the lock itself appears as though someone has used a file or other tool on it. I wonder if it is a standard part that can readily be ordered.
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Sat Apr 29 2023, 11:30PM

Registriertes Mitglied #1
Dabei seit: Tue Jan 08 2008, 01:28PM
Wohnort: Witten
Einträge: 520
The cylinder is from DOM, but I don't know which type or whether it is still being manufactured.
It cost 12.02DM in 1998 at purchase (wholesale), the retail price is unknown to me.
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Mon May 08 2023, 09:18PM
Registriertes Mitglied #21802
Dabei seit: Tue Apr 25 2023, 10:03AM
Einträge: 5
Status Update

Using the AudioCodes MP-112 ATA, with the parameter EnhancedFXSLineCurrent = 2, I now have both "Clubtelefon 4" units in operation. They are accepting coins and metering properly.

The "1" and "2" buttons on the first telephone are not, as I thought, totally inoperative, but will usually work if pressed hard and held. This makes some trouble in not entering "11" or "222" by accident. The Münchner Schlüsseldienst was unable to supply a new lock, but is making me a new key.

Many thanks for the assistance! (I shall make a donation to the site in gratitude.)

My next step is to try to set up Asterisk PBX software on a single-board computer, with the aim of using these phones in a kind of video jukebox setup : put your money in the slot and hear a recording describing the available videos (possibly with a preview video playing), and then press a button for the video you want. The video will play on a small screen mounted atop the phone, while the audio plays through the phone handset. Not great for music, but for old 16 mm educational films it should be good enough.
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Mon May 08 2023, 09:42PM

Registriertes Mitglied #1
Dabei seit: Tue Jan 08 2008, 01:28PM
Wohnort: Witten
Einträge: 520
Oh, the repair is difficult, but not impossible. There are repair kits for such keys.

Ok, maybe you could upload a video somewhere?

It's great that they can make a key for you!
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